NTA10 conference «Digitisation and culture»

Kursaal Bern Kornhausstrasse 3, Bern

Digitisation and its diverse features have set major societal transformations in motion, and the impacts are felt in all areas of life – also in the cultural sphere. Here, the ...


Founding of the Bavarian Foresight Institute

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Esplanade 10, Ingolstadt

On November 11, 2022, the first Foresight Conference of the TH Ingolstadt and the founding ceremony of the Bavarian Foresight Institute will take place at the Ingolstadt University of Technology. ...


Science meets Fiction 2022

From September 26 to October 9, fictional visions of the future from the science fiction genre were juxtaposed with scientific findings in numerous events. Climate. Changes. was the common theme ...